Your Mood Impacts Your Brain’s Ability To Perform: These Biohacks Can Help

Gratitude practices and good habits can improve your day

Illustration of a woman sitting with eyes closed and both hands over heart, bottles of nighttime and vitamin D supplements, icon showing social connection, water bottle, and icon showing walk outdoors.

Table of Contents


A Simple Gratitude List Has the Ability To Biohack Our Brain’s Mood

Endless research supports the claim that taking the time to take note of all the things we appreciate in our lives has power. Gratitude, the act of giving thanks, is a no-cost biohack that has positive impacts on our brain and mood.

Relaxed woman with eyes closed and hands overlapping at the center of her chest.

Focus on the Positive To Biohack Your Brain

In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, our mood plays a crucial role in various aspects of our daily lives such as productivity, relationships, sleep, and overall well-being. Therefore, it is natural for us to want to maintain a good mood and positive emotions. Gratitude, which involves appreciating what we have, whether tangible or intangible, can be a helpful tool.1 Our brains are velcro for negativity, and teflon for positivity, meaning that it’s easier for us to focus on the negative things in our lives than it is for us to focus on the positive. Practicing gratitude helps us see the goodness that exists in our lives and shift away from negative thoughts.1 

According to research in the field, gratitude consists of two core components. The first component involves the “affirmation of goodness” in our lives, while the second component involves recognizing the “sources of goodness that are outside of ourselves”. 2 By doing so, we can connect with something greater than ourselves, whether that be people, nature, or a higher power. This helps not only how we feel, but also our mindset.

Gratitude Creates a Chemical Shift in the Brain

Research shows that practicing gratitude can improve mood and well-being by increasing positive emotions and decreasing negative emotions.3 What this means in the brain is that certain chemical changes happen to shift our mood and perceptions. Some evidence suggests that gratitude builds connections to our bliss center, thereby fostering a feeling of happiness.2

For instance, one study found that practicing gratitude in a romantic relationship increases the release of oxytocin, the brain chemical that makes us feel bonded and connected to others. This implies that practicing gratitude can create and solidify bonds with our partners and other loved ones. 4 

Another 2005 study by Seligman et al. found that individuals who engaged in a gratitude exercise for one week reported increased levels of happiness and decreased symptoms of depression compared to those who didn’t. Moreover, the study found a significant association between continuing the gratitude exercise and happiness scores. This suggests that individuals who practiced gratitude for a longer duration were more likely to experience greater levels of happiness.5

Based on the evidence, it is clear that gratitude can create changes in our brain that can enhance our mood. Therefore, to experience the benefits of gratitude, all that is left to do is to start practicing it.

How to Practice Gratitude Every Day

Creating a regular gratitude practice can help us recognize the good things in our lives, even when bad things may be happening.6

Here are some ways to start your regular gratitude practice:

  1. Journaling: This involves writing down 3-5 things you are grateful for every day. It’s a great way to start regularly noticing the positive aspects of your days.7
  2. Gratitude Jar: For this practice, just keep a pen and small slips of paper next to a jar. Throughout the day think of three things you are grateful for, write them down, and stick them in the jar. Eventually, the jar will be filled with all the things you have to be grateful for in your life. 
  3. Meditation: To make your meditation practice about gratitude, focus on the things you are grateful for throughout the practice.1 
  4. Sharing Gratitude With Loved Ones: This can be done by writing a thank you note or by thanking someone in your head.1

“Gratitude empowers us to take charge of our emotional lives and, as a consequence, our bodies reap the benefits.”

Dr. Robert A. Emmons

Psychologist & Professor

Row of diverse hands raised with a green heart on each palm.

Journaling & Apps

365 Gratitude Journal

Gratitude Journal 365 app icon with white text and check mark inside a circle on a pink background.

365 Gratitude is a service that helps you appreciate the small things in life and focus on the bigger picture. It offers daily prompts to inspire you to appreciate your family, friends, work, and relationships. You can also share your joy with a global community, capturing memories as they unfold.


Cover of BestSelf 30-Day Gratitude Journal with a yellow rising sun design on a black background.

This 30-day gratitude journal is a guided journal that helps you cultivate a positive mindset and optimism. It contains daily prompts to inspire and deepen your gratitude practice, making it easier to build a habit proven to make you feel better.


Journey diary app logo with white pages icon on a sky blue background.

Journey is a journal and diary app that offers guided journaling programs, daily inspirational quotes, and gratitude prompts to help users focus and improve their overall well-being. You can capture moments & memories, record your thoughts and feelings, and explore a variety of journaling tools.


Discover the power of self-reflection with their experts-recommended journal. Transform the way you see yourself with their science-based journal. Boost your self-confidence in just a few minutes per day. Get their 90-day self-esteem journal now and fall in love with yourself.

Three Things Daily

Three Things Daily logo with yellow and pink text on a dusty blue background.

Three Things Daily is a social network that helps you practice gratitude and thankfulness every day. It’s based on the Three Good Things exercise by Dr. Martin Seligman. Live a happier life, become healthy, and make friends with like-minded people who practice gratitude every day.


Cover of Papier Gratitude Journal in floral fans design.

The Floral Fans Gratitude Journal is a captivating and informative tool designed to help you cultivate an ongoing practice of gratitude. With five months’ worth of entries, you can fill it at your own pace.


Gratitude Self-Care Journal app icon with a black outline of a flower with a heart as the top on a pink background.

The Gratitude app is a meticulously crafted self-care tool that helps users prioritize their mental well-being. It offers features including a gratitude journal, affirmations, and daily motivation content. These tools and reminders are designed to motivate users and foster healthy self-love.

Day One Journal

Day One Journal app icon with a white page marker illustration on a sky blue background.

Day One is a journaling app, a private, cross-platform app designed to capture your life as you live it. Use Day One as a daily diary, note-taking app, or gratitude journal. The New York Times claims Day One is creating “something so rare it feels almost sacred: A completely private digital space”.

Three Lines Gratitude

Three Lines Gratitude Journal app icon with a black illustrated four-leaf clover on a white background.

Three Lines Diary is a minimalist gratitude journal that helps you record three good things that happened each day. It also allows you to write a letter to your future self and receive surprises from the past. The app provides daily affirmations and inspirational quotes. It also supports exporting your entries.

1. Giving thanks can make you happier. (2021). Harvard Health.

2. Bouchrika, I. (2023). 35 Scientific Benefits of Gratitude: Mental Health Research Findings.

3. Sansone, R. A. (2010). Gratitude and Well Being: The Benefits of Appreciation. Psychiatry (Edgmont). 7(11): 18-22.

4. Algoe, S. B., & Way, B. M. (2014). Evidence for a role of the oxytocin system, indexed by genetic variation inCD38, in the social bonding effects of expressed gratitude. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(12), 1855–1861. 

5. Seligman, M. E. P., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive Psychology Progress: Empirical Validation of Interventions. American Psychologist, 60(5), 410–421.

6. Practicing Gratitude:Ways to Improve Positivity. (2022). NIH News in Health.


Biohack Your Attitude: Cultivate Contentment in the Brain

The yogic tradition encourages the concept of santosha, which is Sanskrit for contentment. Different from happiness, this notion is proven to help biohack your brain’s ability to feel good.

Young boy sitting on his father's shoulders while his parents look at each other laughing.

Contentment Reminds Our Brains of “Enough”

We all strive for happiness, but should happiness be our ultimate goal? Happiness is fleeting and dependent on external circumstances and events.1 It is often pursued through the “more strategy” where people are continually striving for more in their lives. More power, more money, more stuff, more achievements, more success.3 On the other hand contentment is more sustained, focusing on the internal world.2 It involves the “enough strategy” where individuals concentrate on their inner resources and what they already possess.

In North America, contentment seems boring. Too easy. Happiness has a better ring to it. Given that the American Dream is centered around pursuing happiness, it’s no wonder our society has latched on to it. However, with the perpetual desire for “more” and its fleeting nature, perhaps it’s time to reorient our focus toward contentment.

Biohack Your Neurotransmitters With a Content Mood

The fascination with the pursuit of happiness has sparked all sorts of questions for researchers. One study looked at the biological underpinnings of happiness. The researchers found that there are parts of the brain specifically linked to happiness (the areas that are important for emotional processes), and brain chemicals called neurotransmitters play a role in the control of emotions. Neurotransmitters can enhance mood, promote pleasurable sensations, increase overall well-being, and foster social connection.4

Despite the fact that not much research has been done on contentment specifically, much of what we learn from happiness studies can be considered relevant. For example, one study proposed happiness is a biological state that can be learned through training. 5 Practices like meditation, introspection, and focusing on inner growth can improve happiness levels over time. Therefore, it may be argued that these practices increase overall contentment as well.

Tips To Experience Feelings of Contentment 6, 3
  1. Meditation: Staying in the present moment reduces anxiety (worrying about the future) and depression (dwelling on the past).
  2. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude reminds us of all things going well in our lives, which increases our feelings of happiness and contentment. 7
  3. Be Authentic: Knowing yourself deeply is essential for finding contentment. Knowing your biggest dreams, deepest desires, and things that you love helps keep you on the path of living for yourself and not other people. 
  4. Prioritize Relationships: Spending time with close friends and family enhances our social health. This support system helps us deal with stress, problems, and self-esteem issues. 
  5. Practice Radical Acceptance: When we allow ourselves to feel all our emotions (good AND bad) we are better able to process and move through them.

“If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.”

Mary Engelbreit

Artist & Illustrator

Row of illustrated emoji faces with various pleasant expressions.



Mindbloom offers ketamine therapy for anxiety and depression. Their largest-ever therapy study showed that 89% of clients found relief from anxiety and depression symptoms.

Mindbloom’s ketamine therapy has better outcomes than traditional treatments. They have robust safety protocols to ensure well-being and provide professional guidance from medical experts. Mindbloom offers convenient care from the comfort of home with a dedicated team of guides.

With Mindbloom, you can heal from the comfort of your own home with a dedicated team of guides. Their ketamine therapy is designed to help you find relief and improve brain functioning. You can feel confident with their comprehensive safety protocols.

Mindbloom YouTube channel logo with concentric circles of black dots abstractedly representing a flower.

1. McKenzie, J. J. (2016). Happiness Vs Contentment? A Case for a Sociology of the Good Life. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 46(3), 252–267. 

2. Pearce, J. (2019). The Essence of Contentment: How Acceptance Promotes Happiness. Good Therapy. 

3. Cordaro, D. (2020). What If You Pursued Contentment Rather Than Happiness? Greater Good Magazine. 

4. Dfarhud, D, Malmir, M., Khanahmadi, M. (2014). Happiness & Health: The Biological Factors. Systematic Review Article. PubMed Central (PMC). 

5. Esch, T. (2022). The ABC Model of Happiness—Neurobiological Aspects of Motivation and Positive Mood, and Their Dynamic Changes through Practice, the Course of Life. Biology, 11(6), 843. 

6. Perry, E. (2022). How To Be Content With Life: 6 Tips. BetterUp.

7. Seligman, M. E. P., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive Psychology Progress: Empirical Validation of Interventions. American Psychologist, 60(5), 410–421.

Light Therapy

Light Therapy for a Lighter Mood: A Brain Biohack That Works

Biohackers who live in overcast climates know that maintaining a good mood can be a challenge. Science supports a connection between light, mood, and our overall health. Get some sun!

Older woman laying back on a blue lawn chair looking at the sky with sunglasses on.

See the Light: Biohack Your Mood to Avoid SAD

For those of us living in northern regions of the globe, the winter months can be challenging. Shorter days, grayer skies, and colder weather can have a serious impact on our moods.1 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a common side effect of the lack of sunlight, can cause feelings of sadness and depression. Taking a trip to a warm, sunny place during the winter months can therefore be beneficial for combating SAD.

Sunlight does more than just warm our skin and give us a nice tan. It actually stimulates critical biological processes. For instance, it’s essential for the creation of vitamin D,2 which plays an important role in improving bone health, providing anti-inflammatory benefits and neuroprotection,3 as well as preventing chronic illnesses such as depression.

Despite the many warnings against getting too much sun, there are health benefits to getting out and catching some rays.

Sunlight Releases Brain Chemicals That Make Us Happy

Light has some beneficial effects on your brain. Sunlight, in particular, has been shown to increase the release of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a special hormone associated with boosting mood and helping with calm and focus.5 Without regular sun exposure, serotonin levels can dip, leading to an increased risk of developing seasonal depression. This can also affect the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, thereby impacting the quality of our sleep.6

Due to the connection between lack of sunlight and SAD, light therapy has evolved as a potential treatment. In one study, depressed patients exposed to a bright light just after waking up had decreased depression scores the following day.7

So, if you find your mood a bit low, especially in the winter, find a way to get some sunlight to give you a boost.

Biohacking the Brain: Light Therapy Solutions
  1. Wake Up and Walk: An early morning walk can have similar benefits to sunlight. Even on a cloudy day, you will absorb enough sunlight for it to be worth it. .1
  2. Use a Light Therapy Lamp: These lamps can be used about 20 minutes a day to counteract the lack of sunlight in the winter time8
  3. Travel To a Sunny Spot: While not all of us can just take off on a beach vacation, finding accessible places nearby that have more sun is beneficial. For example, although Seattle is known for its gray and rainy climate, just three hours to the east lies a high desert climate that is dry and sunny.

“Sunlight (or bright light) works faster than prescription antidepressants to boost serotonin and mood, usually within one week, and with few side effects.”

Dr. Sara Gottfried


Illustrated row with different designs of suns.

Light Therapy


The Diesel Series is a pulsing light therapy that has been used in wellness centers for over 20 years.

It has been shown that pulsing light furthers benefits by producing continuous waves.

The Diesel Series comes with a 5-year warranty and features up to 15 inches wide coverage. It has 630, 670 and 810 wavelengths of lights and 85 to 304 bulbs. The pulses range between 1-9,999 (10 presets).

The Diesel Series offers phone consultation for skin health, stamina & cognitive improvement, pain relief and better sleep. It can help improve skin tone and increase collagen production.

It provides more energy and mental acuity, decreases inflammation and muscle soreness, and promotes deeper, stronger and more rested sleep.

Three increasing sizes of Lightpath LED pulsing red light therapy panels.

LED Technologies

LED Technologies reVive Light Therapy Essentials Anti-Aging device on a circular blue background.

The Essentials Anti-Aging device by reVive Light Therapy® is designed to help you achieve radiant skin. It uses a combination of red, amber, and infrared lights to minimize fine lines and crow’s feet. This handheld device is most commonly used on the face, neck, and hands, but can also be used elsewhere.

Skin Gym

Skin Gym Wrinklit LED Mask on a circular teal background.

The Wrinklit LED Mask is a game-changer in skincare. It employs multi-light therapy to address various skin concerns. This wireless LED mask pampers your skin with blue, red, and orange light therapy. It targets acne-prone skin, redness, aging signs, and dullness.

Skin Gym

Skin Gym Revilit LED Light Therapy skincare tool on a circular blue background.

Revilit LED Light Therapy is a wireless wand that tackles a spectrum of complexion issues. Simply glide the wand across your skin. It has three LED options: blue, red, and green. The blue light helps acne-prone skin, the red light targets aging, while the green light addresses hyperpigmentation.


HigherDose red light face mask front and back view on a circular purple background.

The HigherDOSE Red Light Face Mask is a light therapy device that combines red and near-infrared LED technologies in an innovative design. It’s a gentle treatment that mimics rejuvenating wavelengths found in natural sunlight. This relaxing and effective treatment warms the skin and boosts your mood.

Electromagnetic Therapy

iMRS Prime

The iMRS Prime is a 6-dimensional PEMF Therapy System that combines the proven PEMF-Therapy with many new revolutionary features.

The system has a control unit with a housing and pedestal in brushed aluminum, ROHS/REACH/IP20 and a 10.2“ capacitive touch screen LCD-Display.

It also has 2 earphone jacks (3.5), 2 USB jacks, one-cord connection (20-pin) to Connectorbox, LED-Power indication, 2 built-in speakers and an NFC sensor.

The iMRS prime Connector Box is designed as the gateway between the iMRS prime control unit and the applicators/accessories.

IMRS Prime 6-dimensional PEMF Therapy System with control unit, connector box, Exagon pad, and Exagon Spot on top of Exagon mat.

Bon Charge

Bon Charge Infrared PEMF Mat on a red background.

The Infrared PEMF Mat is designed to help you recover faster, sleep better, and elevate your focus. By dialing into nature’s beneficial frequencies, it activates your state of complete well-being while doing yoga, stretching, or simply relaxing. This mat improves sleep quality and helps ground you.


HigherDose Infrared PEMF Mat on a blue background.

The Infrared PEMF Go Mat is a portable version of the client-favorite Infrared PEMF Mat. Its compact design makes it travel-ready and suitable for your work-from-home chair. It offers a range of benefits, including reducing stress, increasing energy, improving sleep, and aiding muscle recovery.

Light & Sound


BrainTap brain fitness headset with LED visor.

Revitalize your overall wellness through better brain fitness with BrainTap’s breakthrough technology. Eliminate mental blocks and negative thinking. Experience stronger bonds and build healthy, lasting relationships. BrainTap’s innovative technology brings a heightened sense of clarity.


NeuroVizr light therapy headset for brain wellness and relaxation in blue and black.

NeuroVizr® offers different collections of sessions for different moods and needs. Each experience results in a “probability state” that molds intimately into your mind. Target your favorites with the NeuroVizr® TechPack that includes a wearable LED device, portable carry case, and USB-C charger.

1. Corliss, J. (2022). Light therapy: Not just for seasonal depression? Harvard Health. 

2. Wacker, M. G., & Holick, M. F. (2013). Sunlight and Vitamin D: A global perspective for health. Dermato-endocrinology, 5(1), 51–108.

3. Vitamin D. (2021). Mayo Clinic. 

4. Penckofer, S., Kouba, J., Byrn, M. P., & Ferrans, C. E. (2010). Vitamin D and Depression: Where is all the Sunshine? Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 31(6), 385–393. 

5. Devie, S., Meeks, S. (2023). Vitamin D Benefits. Healthline.

6. Mead, M. N. (2008). Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health. Environmental Health Perspectives, 116(4). 

7. Parry, B. L., & Maurer, E. (2003). Light treatment of mood disorders. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 5(4), 353–365. 

8. Vanbuskirk, S. (2021). What Is Light Therapy and Is It Right For You? Verywell Mind.

Mood Supplements

Boost Your Mood By Biohacking Your Brain With Herbs and Supplements

Synthetic pharmaceuticals usually aren’t the answer for biohackers interested in living their best lives. Instead, try nootropics and herbs proven to address your brain’s most challenging moods like anxiety and depression.

Wooden mortar and pestle with yellow flowers overflowing from the bowl.

Supplements Can Biohack the Brain’s Moods

We hear a lot about mood disorders these days. In fact, 21.4% of adults in the US experience a mood disorder at some point in their lives.1 While therapy can be really helpful, some individuals may prefer not to rely on medication for a quick fix and instead opt for supplements as a means of supporting their emotional ups and downs. Supplements can work at the cell level, giving our brains the extra support that they may be missing. One of the most common moods we struggle with is depression, which is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and lack of motivation. 

“Nootropics” is a common biohacking term used to describe supplements that work on cognitive function. They increase different mental capacities such as memory, creativity, motivation, and mood.2 Some are natural while others are human-made. Research on the effectiveness of these supplements is ongoing, but they are generally considered safe and effective and may be worth considering for people looking to improve their mood.

Level Out Dopamine, GI Tract to Feel Better Everyday

There are many different supplements that can boost mood, some of which may be surprising. Certain supplements work by elevating levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that can enhance one’s mood. One of these is probiotics, which are live microorganisms that line your digestive tract and boost “good” gut bacteria. Research indicates that maintaining a healthy gut can raise dopamine levels and, consequently, boost mood.3 

Zinc is an essential mineral for regulating neurotransmitter pathways and promoting brain health. Low zinc levels are strongly linked to an increased risk of depression and depression severity. A 2020 analysis showed that taking a zinc supplement significantly lowered symptom scores in people with depression. 4 Similarly, SAM-e (S-Adenosylmethionine), which is naturally found in our bodies, also plays an important role in brain function. A 2020 review found that using SAM-e improved depressive symptoms either when used alone or in combination with an antidepressant medication among individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD). 5 

St. John’s Wort is one of the best-known herbs for helping with mood. It has been used for centuries to treat mild depression, anxiety, and insomnia. However, a detailed analysis of 37 clinical trials revealed that although St. John’s Wort is useful for treating milder forms of depression, it has limited effectiveness on those suffering from severe depression. Furthermore, despite its popularity, it must be taken with caution due to the potential for serious interactions with various prescription medications, including antidepressants, birth control, HIV medications, blood thinners, and other herbal supplements.6

As is always the case with health-related decisions, it’s important to talk to your doctor if you’re interested in taking supplements and/or nootropics to enhance your mood.

Other Nootropics to Improve Your Overall Mental Health

While there are many different types of supplements, herbs, and nootropics that are known to help boost mood and support mental health, here are some to get you started.

  1. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): NAC boosts glutathione levels, which is important for regulating inflammation and protecting cells from oxidative damage, and may help lower inflammatory markers linked to depression. 7
  2. Vitamin D: This vitamin may help with depression by reducing inflammation, regulating mood, and protecting against neurocognitive disorders. 7
  3. Mucuna Pruriens: A type of tropical bean containing levodopa, which helps your brain make dopamine.3 
  4. Rhodiola Rosaea: A traditional plant used for many different reasons. It can stimulate the central nervous system, increasing cognitive function and decreasing depressive symptoms.8
  5. Hemp/CBD: This cannabinoid is found in hemp plants and stimulates the release of endorphins, which boosts mood and can help treat depression and anxiety. 8
  6. Valerian: Most known for its association with improved sleep, its calming properties can also help with anxiety, stress, and depression.9

“If you take care of your brain, your brain will take care of you.”

Dave Asprey

Father of Biohacking

Banner with simple brown illustrations of pill capsules.


Seeking Health

Bottle of Seeking Health Niacin supplements.

Niacin capsules from Seeking Health offer 50 mg NE of niacin (vitamin B3) in the form of nicotinic acid. Niacin is vital for various functions, including skin health, energy production, heart health, serotonin production, detoxification, and digestion. Low niacin levels can disrupt these processes.

Himalaya Wellness

Jar of Himalaya MindCare supplement capsules next to its box.

Himalaya Wellness has been passionate about the healing wisdom of herbs since 1930. They offer a wide range of clinically-studied herbal supplements, toothpaste and personal care products that unlock the powerful healing benefits of herbs. Over 300,000 doctors endorse Himalaya products worldwide.


Canister of Thorne SynaQuell supplement powder for healthy brain and cognitive function.

SynaQuell™ is a product that contains the best-researched nutrients that support the brain. It is useful for individuals who are involved in sports or other high-impact activities. SynaQuell provides Ketones such as BHB that provide an alternate fuel source for both injured and uninjured brains.


Box of Cymbiotika Magnesium L-Threonate pouches in vanilla cream flavor next to an individual pouch.

Magnesium L-Threonate is a bioavailable magnesium supplement that can improve cognitive function and focus. It may boost brain power, balance mood and calm the central nervous system, and improve memory. Life-enhancing formulas with high standards in purity.


Bag of Creatine Monohydrate powder and bottle of capsules. supplies over 500 pure nutritional supplement ingredients to consumers and manufacturers. Their quality products are tested by a 3rd party lab before distribution. NSF Certified & FDA-registered cGMP manufacturing facility ensures quality.


Box of 30 packets of LifeVantage Protandim Tri-Synergizer supplements.

“Protandim® Tri-Synergizer™ is a trio of supplements that deliver comprehensive benefits for healthy aging, mood, and mental focus. These supplements activate your body to enhance its own functions. It stimulates the production of antioxidants, mitochondria, and sirtuins—important for long-term health.

Drinks & Gummies

Natural Vitality

Bottle of Natural Vitality brain health and memory gummies with lion's mane mushroom in raspberry flavor.

Natural Vitality Calm Brain Health & Memory Gummies with Lion’s Mane is a blend of 10 mushroom extracts that can help promote cognitive function, energy and memory health. The gummies are raspberry-flavored and contain nootropics like Lion’s Mane, known for its potential to enhance mental clarity.

Kin Euphorics

Can of Kin Euphorics Kin Spritz Invigorating Energizer drink.

Kin Spritz is a non-alcoholic beverage that contains adaptogens, nootropics, and botanics like Rhodiola Rosea, 5-HTP, and Gaba that can help elevate your mood, smooth out stress, and boost your energy. The sparkling blend of ginger, orange bitters, hibiscus, and citrus can help center your spirit.


Six cans of different flavors of Recess sparkling water infused with hemp and adaptogens.

The Recess sampler is a collection of sparkling water infused with a calming blend of hemp & adaptogens in all six flavors. It contains ingredients that can be felt by the body. These compounds help maintain calmness and balance. The sampler includes broad-spectrum hemp, which helps balance the mind.

Highline Wellness

Three bottles of Highline Wellness CBD gummies for Day, Night, and Anytime.

The Gummies Sampler includes three variants: Anytime Gummies, Day Gummies, and Night Gummies. Anytime Gummies are gummy bears infused with 10mg of CBD. Day Gummies combine CBD with B12 to provide energy and clarity. Night Gummies contain CBD and Melatonin to help you calm down and fall asleep.

1. Any Mood Disorder. (n.d.). National Institute of Mental Health. 

2. Suliman, N. A., Taib, C. A., Moklas, M. a. M., Adenan, M. I., Baharuldin, M. T. H., & Basir, R. (2016f). Establishing Natural Nootropics: Recent Molecular Enhancement Influenced by Natural Nootropic. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2016, 1–12. 

3. Berkheiser, K. (2023). 12 Dopamine Supplements to Boost Your Mood. Healthline. 

4. Yosaee, S., Clark, C. R., Keshtkaran, Z., Ashourpour, M., Keshani, P., & Soltani, S. (2022). Zinc in depression: From development to treatment: A comparative/ dose response meta-analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials. General Hospital Psychiatry, 74, 110–117. 

5. Cuomo, A., Crescenzi, B. B., Bolognesi, S., Goracci, A., Koukouna, D., Rossi, A., & Fagiolini, A. (2020). S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) in major depressive disorder (MDD): a clinician-oriented systematic review. Annals of General Psychiatry, 19(1). 

6. Stuart, A., (2022). Herbs, Vitamins, and Supplements Used to Enhance Mood. WebMD. 

7. Kubala, J., Perez, A. (2022). 11 Herbs and Supplements to Help Reduce Symptoms of Depression. Healthline. 

8. Abramowitz, E. (2022). Best Natural Mood Enhancing Supplements And Biohacks. Holistic Nootropics.

9. Kubala, J., Seitz, A. (2021). How Valerian Root Helps You Relax and Sleep Better. Healthline.

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Biohacking Brain Pioneers

Brain Experts

Broaden your understanding of brain science by tracking the latest findings from these accomplished specialists.

Ariel Garten

Black and white photo of biohacking expert Ariel Garten on a red background.

Ariel Garten is a multifaceted professional with a diverse background in neuroscience, biohacking, psychotherapy, fashion design, and art. She pursued her neuroscience studies at the University of Toronto and worked as a researcher at Krembil Neuroscience Centre, where she focused on Parkinson’s disease and hippocampal neurogenesis. Ariel’s primary objective is to help individuals enhance their self-awareness.

As the co-founder of InteraXon, Ariel leads the development of Muse, a brain fitness tool that monitors and evaluates brain activity using various methods. Ariel blends her expertise in art, technology, business, and neuroscience to create Muse’s design. Her unique approach combines science and art to offer innovative solutions and foster creativity to help individuals achieve their goals. Ariel has been featured in several media outlets, including CNN, Forbes, Popular Science, CNET, CNBC, VentureBeat, TechCrunch, and the Wall Street Journal Tech. Moreover, she delivered a TEDx talk that can be viewed here.

Nathalie Niddam

Black and white photo of biohacker Nathalie Niddam on a purple background.

Nathalie Niddam is an epigenetic coach, author, and certified holistic nutritionist from Canada. In her practice, she incorporates ideas from neuroscience, nutraceuticals, biohacking, and resilience training. She has vast knowledge and expertise on health optimization, particularly when it comes to using bioregulator peptides as tools for healing, anti-aging, and longevity.

Her interest in the field led her to build and moderate a huge Facebook community called “Optimizing Superhuman Performance,” which focuses on how the body is capable of repairing itself through bioregulator peptides. Soon after, she created her podcast, “Biohacking Superhuman Performance,” where she has conversations with experts regarding biohacking, longevity, and nutrition. She also created Nathalie Niddam Nutrition, which provides coaching, online courses, and a supportive community which encourages people to proactively manage their well-being through positive lifestyle changes. 

Beside sharing on Instagram and YouTube, Niddam speaks in conferences and has been featured on networks such as NBC News, CBS 2 News, and Market Watch.

Biohacking Brain FAQs

Biohacking Longevity with Brain Health

Unveiling the power of your brain for a longer life filled with mental clarity and fulfillment.

  • How can practicing gratitude and positive affirmations improve mood?

    Practicing gratitude and positive affirmations can have a profound impact on brain function and mood. Studies have shown that expressing gratitude and focusing on positive aspects of life can activate areas of the brain associated with happiness and well-being. By regularly acknowledging and appreciating the good in our lives, we can shift our mindset, improve mood, and cultivate a more positive outlook.

  • What supplements or nutrients that can help biohack the brain for better mood?

    Several supplements and nutrients can support better mood and brain function. For example, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil or algae-based supplements are important for maintaining optimal brain health and promoting a positive mood. Vitamin D, often obtained through sunlight exposure or supplementation, has also been linked to mood regulation. Additionally, herbal supplements like St. John’s Wort and saffron extract have been traditionally used to support mood balance.

  • How can optimizing gut health contribute to better mood and mental well-being?

    Optimizing gut health is closely linked to better mood and mental well-being. The gut and brain communicate through the gut-brain axis, and imbalances in the gut microbiome can influence mood and mental health. Supporting gut health through a balanced diet, rich in fiber and probiotic-rich foods, can promote a healthy gut microbiome, reduce inflammation, and positively impact mood and overall brain function.

  • Can engaging in regular exercise or physical activity have a positive effect on mood?

    Absolutely! Engaging in regular exercise or physical activity has a significant positive effect on mood. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” chemicals, which can improve mood and reduce stress. It also promotes the growth of new neurons, enhances brain plasticity, and increases blood flow to the brain, all of which contribute to better mood and mental well-being.

  • How does light therapy or exposure to natural light affect mood and circadian rhythms?

    Light therapy or exposure to natural light can have a profound impact on mood and circadian rhythms. Sunlight, particularly in the morning, helps regulate the body’s internal clock, promoting healthy sleep-wake cycles. Light therapy, using devices that emit bright light mimicking natural sunlight, can be beneficial for individuals with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or those experiencing mood disturbances due to lack of sunlight. Light therapy can improve mood, increase energy levels, and support overall mental well-being.

  • Can engaging in creative activities or hobbies boost mood and mental wellness?

    Engaging in creative activities or hobbies can indeed boost mood and mental wellness. Creative outlets such as painting, writing, playing music, or crafting stimulate the brain’s reward pathways and release dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation. Creative pursuits provide a sense of accomplishment, self-expression, and enjoyment, which can significantly enhance mood and overall mental well-being.

  • How does practicing mindfulness or meditation contribute to improved mood?

    Practicing mindfulness or meditation can contribute to improved mood by promoting self-awareness and reducing stress. Mindfulness involves being fully present and non-judgmentally aware of the present moment. By cultivating a mindful state of mind through meditation or other mindfulness practices, individuals can reduce rumination, regulate emotions, and improve mood. Mindfulness also promotes a sense of calm, contentment, and overall well-being.

  • Can social connections and meaningful relationships have an impact on mood?

    Absolutely! Social connections and meaningful relationships have a profound impact on mood. Maintaining strong social connections and engaging in positive relationships provide emotional support, a sense of belonging, and opportunities for social interaction. These connections help reduce feelings of loneliness, increase feelings of happiness and well-being, and contribute to overall improved mood and mental health.

  • How does prioritizing self-care and relaxation influence mood and stress levels?

    Prioritizing self-care and relaxation techniques significantly influence mood and stress levels. Engaging in activities like taking regular breaks, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, or indulging in self-care practices like baths or massages can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall mood and mental well-being.

  • Can adjusting one’s mindset and cultivating contentment contribute to better mood?

    Yes, adjusting one’s mindset and cultivating a sense of contentment can contribute to better mood. By adopting a positive mindset, focusing on gratitude, and embracing a sense of contentment with what we have, we can shift our perspective and enhance our overall mood. Cultivating contentment involves recognizing and appreciating the present moment, finding joy in simple pleasures, and letting go of unnecessary worries or desires, all of which can significantly impact mood and well-being.

Biohacking Brain Videos

Boosting Mood With Brain Wellness

Enhance your mood and mental outlook through biohacking techniques that promote emotional well-being.

Vitamin D & Brain Health: How D3 Affects Mood

How to Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) | Light Therapy Lamp?

An Experiment in Gratitude | The Science of Happiness

Science-Based Tools for Increasing Happiness

Biohacking Brain Resources

Additional Biohacking Mood Insight

Discover podcasts, YouTube channels, websites, apps, and more to enhance your knowledge and empower your biohacking journey.

The Happiness Lab podcast logo with the words creating a smiley face on a yellow background.

The Happiness Lab Podcast

The Happiness Lab is a popular podcast that explores the science and strategies behind happiness and well-being.

Hosted by Dr. Laurie Santos, a psychology professor at Yale University, the podcast delves into the latest research on happiness and shares practical insights to help listeners live happier lives.

Each episode features conversations with leading experts in the field, along with real-life stories and experiments. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including gratitude, resilience, mindfulness, and the power of social connections.

Through engaging storytelling and evidence-based advice, The Happiness Lab offers valuable tools and perspectives to biohack overall happiness and fulfillment.

The Happiness Lab Podcast

Kati Morton, LMFT logo in simple black text.

Kati Morton

Kati Morton’s YouTube channel is a valuable resource for individuals seeking mental health information and support. As a licensed therapist, Kati Morton provides educational and insightful videos on various topics related to mental health, therapy, and self-care.

Her channel covers a wide range of subjects, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, relationships, and more. Kati’s content is highly informative and relatable, offering practical advice, tools, and strategies to improve mental well-being.

With her warm and empathetic approach, she strives to create a safe space where viewers can find guidance, validation, and encouragement on their mental health journey.
