Biohacking News

Cryo-Rollers for Cold Therapy Offer Improved Skin Circulation and Exfoliation

August 22, 2023

You may have heard of cryo-rollers, which use cold therapy to detoxify skin and promote better blood flow to the skin for a healthy glow. But did you know that there’s scientific research that proves that facial massage greatly improves blood flow in your skin, including over the long-term? Japanese researchers from the Tokyo Institute of Technology have done a five week study and the results are 100% consistent across test subjects.1

Better Blood Flow to the Skin Equals Good Looks

The researchers explained, “The 5-week intervention significantly increased the vasodilatation response… These findings suggested that performing short-term facial massage with a roller increases Skin Blood Flow, and long-term use improves the vascular dilatation response.” Vasodilatation is widening of the blood vessels, meaning more blood flow to nourish and repair skin cells. Better blood flow works to counter dry and chapped skin by providing more moisture to the skin surface.

Cryo-Rollers Massage Your Face and Decrease Inflammation

Cryo-rollers also act to decrease skin irritation and can give short-term decreases (a few hours) in inflammation to counter any skin puffiness. Cryo-rollers exfoliate as well, removing any dead skin from the surface. It can help to relax tension in the facial muscles as well, which is a surprisingly common effect of daily stress and overexertion. Relaxed facial muscles also means better blood flow to the skin, and proper blood flow is a crucial fundamental of skin health and skin beauty. Cryo-rollers give your face a gentle massage; they feel good and refreshing to use. If you are interested in improving your skin’s appearance, on your face, neck, or anywhere else, cryo-rollers and other means of cold therapy are a solid way to do it.

  1. Miyaji, A., Sugimori, K., & Hayashi, N. (2018). Short- and long-term effects of using a facial massage roller on facial skin blood flow and vascular reactivity. Complementary Therapies in Medicine41, 271–276.